Six Questions for Incoming 校长 Chris Kolovos

Aditi Deokar ' 21, 与即将上任的校长克里斯·科洛沃斯分享了以下采访的起源:

我遇到了. Kolovos at Fall Festival during his October visit, 我想让学校更好地了解我们即将上任的校长. 作为学校的校长. Kolovos will represent the school, and we at the Scarlet Letter, bbin娱乐平台学生运营的博客, 我觉得采访他对bbin娱乐平台社区有好处. Below is the conversation that resulted.

How did you get to where you are now? More specifically, how was your high school experience? 你在罗克斯伯里拉丁学院的经历是否影响了你成为一名教育家和/或管理人员的决定?

我感到很幸运,因为我是那些正在做我小时候梦想做的事情的人之一. My parents are immigrants from Greece; they never went to college, but really value education. 在他们的支持和指导下,我从7-12年级开始学习罗克斯伯里拉丁语. That’s where I found my people! I was surrounded by friends who loved to read, loved talking about big ideas, loved the arts — just like I did. 另外,我在那里结交了一些最好的朋友,他们直到今天仍然和我很亲密. I had incredible teachers and mentors: my headmaster, Mr. Jarvis; my chemistry teacher and newspaper 顾问, Mr. Pojman; my history teacher, Mr. Ward; my art teacher and soccer 教练, Mr. Buckley; my English teacher, Mr. Kerner; my theater 导演, Mr. Frank; my Latin teacher, Mr. Brennan; my college counselor, Mrs. Melvoin; and so many others. 我喜欢学校,最希望的是把我的职业生涯奉献给我看着他们做的那种工作. It took me a while to do that, though. I studied history at Harvard, but rather than go right into teaching, I spent some time as a management consultant. Like a lot of kids who are in that first generation, 我感到有些压力,想找一份更赚钱的工作, 据一些人说, 有更高的社会地位. Then I headed back to Harvard for law school, clerked for a wonderful judge, and was all set to work at one of the big law firms in Boston. 就在那时,在我最好的童年朋友之一的帮助下,我决定冒一次险. I took a job at Belmont Hill School teaching history, 训练足球, 教练的辩论, 导演音乐剧. And I loved every minute of it! 就像我十几岁时所怀疑的那样,教书是我的使命. That was not an easy decision, but I am so glad I made it. I worked at Belmont Hill for nine wonderful years, before moving on to Greens Farms Academy in Connecticut, where I’ve been for the past seven years. 自从我开始在学校工作以来,我喜欢每天去上班. 这些经历让我成为了一个更好的老师和领导者, 准备好加入bbin娱乐平台的社区,帮助领导学校的下一代. 

How would you connect to the students?

我是老师. 我开始在学校工作的原因是我喜欢和年轻人在一起. 在贝尔蒙特山, I connected with students as a history teacher, 顾问, 教练, 导演, 和导师——我仍然与我在那里教过的许多校友保持联系. 在绿色农场学院,除了我的其他工作,我还在教书和当教练. 与学生保持联系对我来说非常重要,原因有二. One is that it helps me lead. 如果我没有每天与学生联系,我怎么知道如何领导一个社区? 学生是体验的人,是文化的专家. 另一个原因? Spending time with students is where the joy comes from! 我最好的日子是我花大部分时间和学生在一起的日子. Ask any of your teachers — they will tell you the same thing.

On my visit to bbin娱乐平台 this October, students were my priority. 这就是为什么我在参加全校会议的路上向每个学生打招呼, why I sat with the juniors during their class meeting, why I visited a dozen classes, why I had lunch with students both days, 还有我为什么会去参加秋季嘉年华和足球比赛(两支球队都赢了)!). 学生将是我在bbin娱乐平台期间的首要任务,我希望这是一段很长的时间!

你觉得呢? is the most important job of a head of school?

When I have a hard decision to make, 我问自己(和我的同事)的第一个问题是“什么对学生最有利??“我最重要的工作是确保我们把学生放在我们谈话的中心,这样我们就能让学校朝着最有利于在校学生的方向前进,并为子孙后代保留美好的学生体验。. 这意味着我们要确保有足够的资源来支持bbin娱乐平台优秀的老师们. 这意味着要优先考虑经济资助,这样我们就可以尽可能广泛地向波士顿地区最优秀的学生敞开大门. 这意味着要确保课程和课外活动能让学生掌握在波士顿大学学习所需的技能, 在大学里取得成功, and much more importantly, 快乐地生活, 成功的, and purpose-driven lives as citizens of their communities. 这意味着要庆祝bbin娱乐平台文化的核心部分,这些部分使它与众不同,我们都喜欢. 这意味着我们要团结整个社区,共同展望未来,拥抱学校的历史,让每个人都为我们如何共同改变和前进而兴奋. 


My first job at bbin娱乐平台 is to learn. Like I did during my visit to campus in October, I plan to do a lot more listening than talking; fitting that we have two ears and one mouth! 我已经对这个学生们热爱学习的美丽社区有了很多了解, where young people form life-long friendships with one another, where there is such a close, mentoring relationship between teachers and students, 学生们可以在波士顿大学获得不可思议的机会. Those are things that will not change. 这就是我们. 它们是bbin娱乐平台的一部分,也是我爱上这个地方的原因之一. 当我倾听和学习的时候, 我还想特别关注我们可以让这个社区变得更好的方法. 我想听听你的想法.

What is something you do for fun, and why do you enjoy it?

Can I offer a few things? 我喜欢玩《bbin集团》上的填字游戏,尤其是在周日. 与谜题创造者斗智斗智,发现谜题中的双关语和技巧,这是一件令人放松和满足的事情. 我妻子和我有时喜欢一起做,这让它们更有趣. I also love taking my dog Circe for long hikes. 她是一只45磅重的救援犬,喜欢在树林里奔跑,追逐毫无戒心的松鼠! 她从来没有钓到过,也许永远也钓不到,但我钦佩她的决心! Cooking has been a hobby of mine for a long time. I grew up cooking Greek food with my mom, and we still cook together sometimes, 但这些天我几乎会做任何东西——这是一种发挥创造力的好方法,也是我放松的好方法. And I’ve been playing guitar and singing since I was little. My father was a professional musician, so I grew up around music. He and I still play Greek music together, which I love. Maybe we’ll play at bbin娱乐平台 sometime. 你觉得呢??


善良、好奇、上进. If I say humble, is that ironic?
